A little note on COURAGE.

Courage cartoon image


As a young teenager I remember being told once by a doctor that some of the pain and discomfort I was experiencing in my joints was due to growing pains (I did become quite lanky pretty quickly).

The doctor knew that growth rarely happens without discomfort

And it’s the same in recovery.

We are lucky enough however not to have to risk our lives in order to grow, but if we do want to strengthen our recovery, we can’t do it under the fear of our limitations and anxieties. We must have the courage to take risks to help expand our outlook and our personalities. I always tell people when they are sober and trying to find their way to “try new things”.

How do you know what you can do?  What you will like? or love if you don’t try something new?

However, trying new things carries a risk of failure, and that means we must often put our egos, or fears, and pride on the line. In recovery this is easier for do if you are part of a recovery support community, why, because they act as a safety net – as protection.

Recovery and personal growth require courage, stepping out despite the outcome, and this courage is within us all.

Try something new and see what happens.

You might just surprise yourself.