#MoreThanThat Campaign 2023
How do YOU define

Words have power.
And so do the stories we tell.
The labels we choose to describe ourselves paint a picture of us as we see ourselves. But the reality is we’re all more than any one thing.
We’re more than our worst flaw, our biggest regret, and our worst moments.
We’re more than the sum of our mistakes.
The challenges and consequences of addiction can be so deep and painful that they become the headlines of a person’s life.
They cast a shadow of shame and powerlessness that can feel impossible to escape.
But WE are the authors of our own stories, and we get to decide how to write the next chapters.

Support our 2023 #MoreThanThat campaign by purchasing one of our exclusive T-Shirts
Apparel & Accessories
Health Fair 2023
Event Sponsors

Join us for the “More Than a Health Fair,” a celebration of resilience and determination of individuals facing mental, physical, and addiction challenges.
On Wednesday, March 15th, 2023, at the Millennium Forum, we’re bringing together over 50 of the North West’s leading psychological and physical health services, addiction services, and support organisations to provide a comprehensive and integrated approach to health and wellness.
Whether you’re looking to improve your physical health, get support for addiction recovery, or simply connect with others in the community, our fair has something for everyone.
We’ll be offering free health screenings including blood pressure, cholesterol, BMI, height, weight, and body composition. Our event will also feature a range of services such as mental health support, addiction services, education/employment/training support, housing/benefit support, and fitness/mindfulness demonstrations.
Our “More Than a Health Fair” is part of the #MoreThanThat campaign, which aims to highlight the person within the struggle and promote a positive mindset. We believe that everyone is much more than their current circumstances and hope to inspire our community to prioritize their health and wellness.
Join us on March 15th and let’s celebrate health and wellness together! #MoreThanThat

If you can help ARC Fitness in any way to create something positive for our city it would be kindly appreciated. Thank you all for you continued support, encouragement and belief towards this. Click on the link below to donate to the More Than That Campaign.
How do you define yourself?
Struggling with substance use or being a person in recovery does not mean that you are incapable, weak, or unworthy.
You are much more than that.
ARC Fitness #morethanthat 2023 presents…..
Our Next Event is…

Register Now!
Don’t miss out on the fun and fitness at ARC’s 3k Colour Dash! 🌈🏃♀️🏃♂️ Tickets are now on sale and entries are filling up fast. Join us on Saturday, June 10th, to support our #MoreThanThat campaign and promote physical and mental wellness.
Colour Dash 2023
Event Sponsors

Our Next Events:
Recovery In Motion Conference 2023

Get you Tickets NOW.
Join us 13th September for Northern Ireland’s largest Addiction Recovery Conference, hosted by ARC as part of our #morethanthat campaign. We understand that life’s challenges can be daunting, but for individuals struggling with addiction, these challenges can be overwhelming and paralysing. Our conference aims to celebrate and highlight the importance of hope and possibility in the face of addiction.
The ‘More than That’ theme embraces the resilience and strength of individuals in recovery, acknowledging the challenges they have faced while celebrating their ability to overcome and contribute positively to society. Throughout the conference, you will have the opportunity to hear from professionals, academics, and most importantly, individuals with lived experiences, showcasing that anyone, regardless of their past, has the courage and capacity to turn their life around and achieve great things.
As we continue our efforts to break the stigma surrounding substance use, we invite you to be part of this transformative conference. Together, let’s promote hope, inspire change, and empower individuals to embrace a life of recovery and growth.
Join us at the ARC Addiction Recovery Conference this September and be part of a movement that values resilience, courage, and the potential for positive change. Together, we can make a difference.