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“Tip the Scales” – Learning Balance in Recovery

“Tip the Scales” – Learning Balance in Recovery


“Me. I’m all or nothing, no middle ground here.”

Sound familiar?

Learning to find balance can be particularly challenging in recovery

(trust me I am still practicing almost 8 years later)

You see, leading a balanced life means avoiding extreme highs or lows. It forces you to pay attention to those compulsive tendencies that many of those who experience dependence own.

In recovery we then  have a tendency to focus on or obsess too much on one activity, such as exercise or work.  When these scale tip too far in one direction, it can trigger the urge to turn back to old behaviours to cope.


Building confidence and self-esteem in Recovery

Because you’re worth it!

So, you have gone and got yourself sober – Brilliant Achievement by the way!

Maybe you spent time in a detox or rehabilitation center, maybe you had 1-1 therapy or maybe you just bit the bullet and went it alone. 

Whatever path you chose to get there, YOU put the work in, YOU got yourself there. So, you should be feeling great, right? 

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for people in recovery however to struggle with low self-esteem, robbing them of the joy sobriety brings. Instead of joy, familiar feelings of unhappiness, unworthiness, and generally feeling unsatisfied rear their ugly heads and make staying sober in the long run a challenge.
