Category Archives: Uncategorized

Let go of Anxiety

Anxiety definition

Anxiety is an emotion, expressed through your body’s reaction to stressful, dangerous or unfamiliar situations.

In normal levels, anxiety is a healthy thing, preparing us for for unknown situations by keeping us alert and aware.

However, those struggling with anxiety disorders experience high levels of anxiety, know it to be overwhelming, even debilitating interfering with their ability to lead a normal functioning life.

A little note on COURAGE.

Courage cartoon image

As a young teenager I remember being told once by a doctor that some of the pain and discomfort I was experiencing in my joints was due to growing pains (I did become quite lanky pretty quickly).

The doctor knew that growth rarely happens without discomfort

And it’s the same in recovery.

Patience: Easier said than done?

Patience: Easier said than done?


Today I am writing about my favourite topic. PATIENCE.

Patience can be defined as; “the ability to bear pains and trails calmly without complaint.”

I’m not writing it because I am a patient person, no, it’s for the exact opposite reason. I am a work in progress too. The desire to have something right now is easy in today’s environment, food, movies, amazon prime. We hate to wait. I hate to wait.

Now imagine what that feels like for someone coming to terms with recovery. When I mention the word ‘patience’ to anyone I know struggling in early recovery I am almost feel the imaginary ‘punch in the face’ they have just given me. 


The Void – Boredom in Recovery

The Void – Boredom in Recovery

 This addiction business is quite a time consuming, exhaustive and all-encompassing thing.

If it’s not taking up most of your physical time; buying, supplying, using, or preparing – it most certainly will be taking up a lot of your mental resources; when can I use; where will I get it; how will I hide it?


Teenage substance abuse – How to have ‘that’ conversation

Teenage substance abuse – How to have ‘that’ conversation

As a father to a 2 ½ year old daughter, and with my own frightful personal experience of substance abuse, the very thought of my daughter potentially engaging in substance use in the future terrifies me. Yup, Zoey is not even 3 and I’m worried about my reactions to this already.
So I can only imagine the utter fear and panic that today parents experience when they start to see signs their teenager may be abusing drugs or alcohol or have noticed them acting strangely.


One Size Fits All Recovery?

One Size Fits All Recovery?

There are more choices today of paths to recovery than ever. These have all been driven by traditional approaches; tried and tested results, scientific research; but most importantly – individual preferences.

We are all unique, have experienced different things and developed our own view of the world. Sometimes when it comes to recovery we have been trying to – squeeze square pegs into round holes.

Despite our individuality the common denominator in our recovery is the need to changing one’s self, understanding that you cannot keep doing the same thing and expecting different results.


Navigating Resistance in recovery

Navigating Resistance in recovery

It can be heart-breaking to watch loved ones destroy their own life with alcohol or drugs. As a friend or family member you have tried and tried to help them only to be met with defiance, aggression and ambivalence.

When people have developed a physical and/or psychological dependence on alcohol or drugs there will usually be reluctant about giving these substances up – this is known as resistance.

I was an absolute nightmare at the start of this process. I was; stubborn; prideful and arrogant with no intention of breaking this difficult yet familiar relationship. 


Personal Responsibility in Recovery

Personal Responsibility in Recovery

“Nothing changes if nothing changes Gary. You gotta take responsibility”.

This was the wisdom I received upon entry to my first residential treatment centre. At this point, and with a bitter expression, the voice in my head was screaming multiple expletives at the counsellor. 

“What did he think I was doing? I didn’t come to rehab for the craic. I didn’t ask to be here but I am so, keep your fancy quotes to yourself!”

That spell in rehab was my half-hearted and reluctant way of dealing with my long standing personal responsibility issue. It took another, much longer spell in treatment for that.


Christmas in Recovery

Christmas in Recovery

Christmas should be an enjoyable time for everyone filled with family, celebration and excitement. However, if you have a problem with alcohol / drugs or are in recovery staying clean can be a real minefield. You may find it more difficult to control your habit on festive occasions when drinks and drugs are easily accessible.


Burnout in Early Recovery

Burnout in Early Recovery

So, it’s 3-6 months after your last drink/drug. You have embraced the newness and excitement of recovery with both arms and feet. You have been attending meetings, various support groups, looking after your health, and training at ARC Fitness regularly (see what I did there?). You have also started to rebuild the relationships that were subsequently fractured during the hurricane of your drug / alcohol use. Things have been pretty busy. 
